The final Skyway display model was 3D printed from CAD surface data. Printing was achieved using a plaster & bonding agent. This was then impregnated in a resin for structural strength. The main body was printed in two shelled halves and bonded.
All printed parts were surfaced using high and low fill acrylic primers. Progressive layers were built and sanded using a guide coat method.
Accessories including prop and fan hubs were turned down from aluminium & dyed acrylic and hand polished. The clear canopy was vacuum formed using a hand polished ABS die. Skids were bent from copper water pipe around a jig.
Once surfaced, multi-coloured bodies were masked off. All parts were then hit with black/grey/red/white acrylic paint. A cereleric coat was added to the white for a ‘pearl’ effect. All parts were then hit with clear acrylic. Finally parts were cut and buffed. Pilot and patient models were painted with gouache.
Additional custom decals were printed and applied.